Discovering value often accomplished by exploring non-traditional paths is just one facet of Alexander Capital Advisors’ investment process. We build wealth for our clients through exhaustive research, disciplined risk management, and strict adherence to our unique strategy.
While we are benchmark-conscious, our focus is on absolute returns. We believe in a culture based on performance and accountability from customized reporting that provides clear measurement of client performance versus goals to compensation based on client portfolio growth.
Our alternative fund, The Plato Fund, LP is a small cap value fund with a market hedge that seeks investment opportunities in US listed companies. The fund adheres to a fundamental value approach that concentrates on companies with market capitalizations between $100m and $2B. Its small and mandated limited size of $300m allows focus on investments that are typically ignored by major funds and Wall Street analysts. As the bias toward multibillion dollar funds continues to grow, this coverage void becomes more significant as does the opportunity for research driven smaller funds.
The firm’s goal is to have a positive impact on the lives of our clients that will extend to future generations. This is reflected in our stakeholder mentality, unwavering dedication to high standards and our emphasis on developing long-term relationships.
Thomas F. Paolozzi III